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논문 및 저서
Pretreatment F-18 FDG PET/CT Parameters to Evaluate progression-Free Survival in Gastric Cancer / Nucl Med Mol Imaging / 2014.03/ 제1저자
Estabpshment of animal models with or thotopic hepatocellular cacrinoma / Nucl Med Mol Imaging / 2014..09 / 공저자
The cpcical value of hybrid sentinel lymhoscintgraphy to predict metastatic sentinel lymph nodes in breast cancer / Nucl Med Mol Imaging / 2015.03 / 공저자
Comparison of therapeutic Efficacy and Cpnical Parameters Between Recombinant Human Thyroid Stimulating Hormone and Thyroid Hormone Withdrawal in High-Dose Radiodine Treatment with Differentiated Throid Cancer/ Nucl Med Mol Imaging / 2015.06 / 공저자
Improving Cerebral Blood Flow Through Liposomal Depvery of Angiogenic Peptides : Potential of 18F-FDG PET Imaging in Ischemic Stroke Treatment / J Nucl Med / 2015.07 / 공저자
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